AirTkt Customer Service Contacts is an online travel agency that specializes in last-minute travel. It operates several sites, including Eros Tours, LatinoFare and CheapFareGuru.

How to reach a person at AirTkt

Customer Service:  (800) 247-4775

Toll Free: (888) 247-1314

AirTkt Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about AirTkt

We get few complaints about AirTkt. The company refused to give this customer a refund even though she needed surgery.

How to resolve a problem with AirTkt

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

The company states it has membership of the following organisations but we have been unable to verify this as it does not list membership numbers.

ARC Agency Accreditation, ASTA and Iatan

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting any company manager directly.

AirTkt's mailing address

117 West 9th St
Suite 307
Los Angeles, CA 90015

AirTkt's social media channels


AirTkt's executive customer service contacts

Chief Executive
Aman Bhutani
117 West 9th St
Suite 307
Los Angeles, CA 90015

What others have to say about AirTkt

It has a rating of F from the Better Business Bureau. It also has the following warning

According to BBB files, our records show that the company has a pattern of complaints purchasing airline tickets online, receiving a confirmation of purchase, and having their credit cards charged but in short their tickets are cancelled after purchasing their airfare and having difficulty getting a response or reaching representatives when inquiries or issues arise. On October 5, 2016 the BBB contacted the company in regards to our concerns about the amount and the pattern of complaints we have received. Unfortunately, the BBB did not receive a response.

How to get professional help with your AirTkt problem

If you need help with a AirTkt problem, you can contact our advocacy team or just push the button.

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