Barclaycard US Customer Service Contacts

Barclaycard offers credit cards to business and personal customers in the United States.

Barclaycard US Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about Barclaycard

We receive occasional complaints about BarclayCard. Most are resolved quickly and to the customer's satisfaction.

How to resolve a problem with Barclaycard

Use the executive contacts if the normal resolution process doesn't work. Always keep a paper trail.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting any company manager directly.

Barclaycard mailing address

125 S. West St.
Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Barclaycard US executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Shannon Lehner
Assistant to CEO
125 S. West St.
Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Secondary Contact
Kirsty Aird
Leadership and Management Apprentice
125 S. West St.
Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Scott Miller
Director of Customer Service
125 S. West St.
Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Chief Executive
Denny Nealon
Chief Executive Officer
125 S. West St.
Wilmington, DE 19801-5014

Jes Stayley, CEO of BarclayUK.

How to get professional help with your Barclaycard US problem

If you need help with a Barclaycard US problem, you can contact our advocacy team or just push the button.

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