Sony Customer Service Contacts

Sony is a Fortune 500 multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Sony’s business includes consumer and professional electronics, gaming, entertainment and financial services.

How to reach a person at Sony

Sony Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

Customer service resources

Sony support

What you need to know about Sony

We receive occasional complaints about Sony. Here’s a case where a reader’s laptop breaks, but it’s not covered by the extended warranty. Also, this customer sent in their laptop for repairs, but received it back in a worse condition.

How to resolve a problem with Sony

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting any company manager directly.

Sony mailing address

25 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Sony social media channels


Sony executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Cheryl Goodman
Vice President of Corporate Communications
25 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Secondary Contact
Mike Fasulo
President and COO Sony Electronics
25 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Chief Executive
Kenichiro Yoshida
President and CEO
1-7-1 Konan
Tokyo, Japan 108-0075

Also try:

Kazuo Hirai Chairman,

How to get professional help with your Sony problem

If you need help with a Sony problem, you can contact our advocacy team or just push the button.

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