Company Contact

As a service to our readers, we post the names, numbers and email addresses of executives responsible for customer service at major companies. We also rate their responsiveness to consumers.

How to use these contacts

If you’re having a problem with a company, please use our proven strategies for a resolution. Start by writing to the senior customer service contact (listed under executive contacts). Tell them the issue and give them a week to respond. If they don’t respond or refuse to help, write to the next executive shown. If necessary, repeat weekly going up the chain of executives one at a time.

Do not write to all contacts at once. Do not start by writing to the CEO. This could severely limit your ability to resolve your issue.

DISCLAIMER: The names, numbers and email addresses on this page are provided for informational purposes and are believed to be reliable. However, they should in no way be construed as a guarantee of their accuracy by If you detect any omissions, misstatements or errors, please contact us immediately.